Your hair will undergo a makeover in 3-6 months.

Discover the only feed of its kind in the world

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Welcome to my world !

It is nice to meet you, my name is Kim Noya Sodayee.

Over time I came across many questions about BORN, from how it all started to who stands behind the brand. Well, let me tell you my story.

Born’s herbal infusion for hair, was literally born about 10 years ago.
All my life I have had long and smooth hair, which was even referred to as perfect!
However, there was a stressful time in my life in which I found myself mostly angry. One night I went to bed and in the morning, I noticed massive hair loss on my pillow.

From that very morning, I was in constant pursuit of finding answers and solutions.
I have done tests, visited doctors, alternative therapists, naturopaths, homeopaths. Some helped me a little, some did not at all, but no one was able to get my hair to grow back along with my self-confidence.

I had to choose whether to accept this new reality or find a solution by myself. After about a year of trying, I came up with an herbal blend based infusion. The very infusion that saved me and my hair. I have been using it ever since, taking it with me everywhere.
Out from my own personal distress, I learnt to recognize girls and women who have widened hair parts and thinner looking hair. Postpartum, post-surgery, stressful time they all had a reason yet not a solution. I let them try ‘my brown liquid’, that’s what we called the infusion at first and the reactions were amazing!

Three and a half years ago, I decided to turn my discovery into a product that would be accessible to everyone.
Born’s herbal infusion is the first and only product of its kind in the world. It is patented in Israel and Germany, and is currently in registration in other countries around the world.
As part of the patent registration, an in-depth study was conducted involving 46 experimenters. Much of it was done at the Geological Institute and various laboratories. The study demonstrated that combining the plants in specific doses creates synergy. As a result of using this unique herbal infusion, the hair becomes 40% thicker on average, it becomes shinier and stronger. Therefore, the hair feels and looks significantly full and healthy.

The product is suitable not only for women who experience hair loss related issues, but also for women who want to nourish their hair and scalp with an herbal based product.
We get responses from customers like “It’s magical”, “It’s unbelievable, my hair just stopped falling out”, “The hair feels soft, shiny and full after a really short time of using the herbal infusion”, this is exactly why I wanted to share my discovery.

A new hair revolution is Born and we’d love to see you become part of it!
Our team is available for questions by email, phone and of course on social media.

Join us, and let your hair explore the power of nature.


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